One of my favorite things about my products is that they are intended to be used. I made a couple of these cutting boards for a friend for Christmas presents last year, and she tells me that the people she gave them to are afraid to use them because they just LOOK SO NICE! So SAD! Use them, folks. So long as you cut along the grain, and oil them occasionally, they can keep looking nice for a long, long time. And they're more sanitary than plastic, not requiring high-temperature sanitization. Bacteria is sucked down into the wood where it starves, rather than festering in the grooves that inevitably form in plastic boards.
At 12 inches by 16 inches, this size is perfect for heavy use on large for-the-family sized meals. Order from domestics (walnut, maple, cherry, mahogany), or add some exotics (purpleheart, yellowheart, bloodwood) in for some stunning color. Add a hand-burned name like in the example shown, or a drip groove around the edge on one side, or a handle on one end - just let me know if you want a combination not shown on the drop-down. The image shown is the exotics option with a woodburned name.
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