Some olive trees have been alive since the time of Christ. A long-lived gnarled tree with a short bole, often with numerous holes and cavities, olive wood is one of the world's most beautiful woods. Heartwood is light brown to dark brown with irregular streaks of grey, brown, and black, giving a marble-like appearance. Irregular, interlocked grain is dense, turns easily and cuts very clean. These aromatic blanks are selecte

d for figure and color. And aromatic isn't putting it mildly - when cut, this wood smells very strongly of opened green olives and olive oil - I guess that shouldn't be a surprise. In addition to its beautiful caramel and chocolate swirling grain patterns, olive wood has special religious significance that makes a consecrated oil vial especially treasured and unique. It's somehow fitting to use olive wood to store the olive oil. For an additional $10.00, wood from prunings of live olive trees in the Holy Land can be used.

All my LDS Consecrated Oil Keyring Vials are made from gold or chrome-plated parts. A unique, handmade, a perfect gift for any Elder, whether dad for Fathers Day, brother for Mission Farewell, or a son for his ordination to the priesthood. Inside is a glass vial that can just as easily hold perfume or essential oils.
Base Price (African olive wood): $25.00; for wood from the Holy Land, price: $35.00
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